COVID-19 has taken over the planet! No, it’s not an alien invasion, but a viral invasion. So far, only Antarctica has been spared from this new virus, and that’s probably because no one lives there, but that also means every continent has seen victims of the virus. For this reason, Fully Promoted Davie in Davie, FL of the Fort Lauderdale area wants to share with you why it’s important to get your hands on a face mask and hand sanitizer from our online store. Whether you’re on your way to the grocery store, or you still have work during the quarantine, staying safe and keeping others safe is important. The best way to do such things is through adequate preparation and supplies.
More About COVID-19
Because of how prominent this virus has become in all forms of media across the globe, there’s a lot of information spreading around. Unfortunately, that also means there’s a lot of misinformation going around. If you haven’t already, we strongly suggest getting your research information on this virus from sources that come from the medical industry. Listen to the doctors! They’re the ones that are dealing with this virus, after all. That being said, there are a few things we want to point out regarding COVID-19. Most of us are actually not at risk for our conditions going critical should we contract the virus. There are lots of people who may not even experience symptoms at all, but that is what makes this virus scary. You could think you’re a completely healthy, young person and still have caught the virus if you came into contact with someone else who’s had it. This means you can also transfer it around. The most at-risk people for developing serious conditions from this virus are the elderly and those with compromised immune systems or pre-existing conditions. If you’re 22, strong, and healthy, you may have almost nothing to worry about, but you might infect someone who’s much more at risk. For that reason alone, washing your hands, covering your mouth when you cough and supplying yourself with the proper items to keep you and others safe.
Hand Sanitizer and other Supplies
“But if I just wash my hands with soap and water, I don’t need to consider sanitizers or face masks, right?” That’s a very good question, and it’s important to recognize that washing your hands regularly is very important and a great way to help prevent the virus from spreading. That said, there are some benefits to getting yourself some hands sanitizer or a face mask. With a sanitizer for your hands, you can carry that with you as you travel around. While soap and water is a great way to kill the germs on your hands, you can’t really carry a sink and soap with you. A sanitizer can help you keep clean anytime you need to interact with people, such as if a cashier hands you back your change. As for why you should get a mask, the truth is that these masks aren’t actually all that helpful for preventing you from catching the virus. What they actually do is help prevent moisture droplets from spraying through the air as you cough. They’re blocked by the mask, and so you mitigate the amount of potentially contaminated droplets from migrating to various hard surfaces where someone else might come in contact. This is important for when you go out, that way you don’t accidentally get someone sick simply because a few droplets made it to a shelf at the store.
For a Face Mask or other Supplies, Contact Us on Our Site
If you’re in need of more supplies to protect yourself and others, then contact us at Fully Promoted Davie on our website. We are based in Fort Lauderdale, but are working to provide online shoppers all around with resources like hand sanitizer. Even if you’re not concerned about your own health, do it for those that are at high risk, please. They need your help to stay safe.